
1300 337 997
nda non disclosure agreement

NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement)

Your NDA prepared by IP lawyers within 2 business days

Before you enter discussions and share business secrets, have OpenLegal’s lawyers prepare or review NDAs for your business.

If your work requires you to share confidential information that cannot be disclosed to outside parties, a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) (also known as a Confidentiality Agreement) is a great option. It allows you to legally forbid a party from disclosing information to another person or entity, in a way that’s agreed upon by all parties. 

The agreement will outline a description of the confidential information, confidential rights and obligations of the parties, the protection of sensitive information, the return of confidential information after the agreement ends, and circumstances where disclosure is permitted.

NDAs are typically used to protect things such as

  • Business plans, strategies, or ideas
  • General Intellectual property
  • Trade secrets
  • Financial information
  • Customer lists
  • Marketing
  • Capital raising plans

If you would like assistance preparing an NDA, just complete the form or call 1300 337 997 for an obligation-free quote.

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