
1300 337 997
Register a Trademark

Register a Trademark

Protect your brand - Our IP lawyers will file your trademark

Trademark registration is an investment into the future of your business. Your brand (and trademark) is one of your most valuable assets and marketing tools, providing name recognition built up over years, reflecting who you are, and where you are placed in the market.

Having a registered trademark grants you exclusive rights to your business name, and other intellectual property assets (eg logos, product names etc.) – along with the right to take legal action for infringements. Without adequate protection you place risk on your business name, products, domain names, business cards, marketing campaigns, websites and so on. A competitor using the same or a similar name may take legal action against you resulting in the need to change names, and potentially suing for financial loss.

Our lawyers assist businesses across Australia. Our service offering includes:

  • Initial assessment
  • Fast turn around
  • Fixed fees provided upfront
  • End to end registration process
  • Management of opposition claims
  • Renewals
  • Experienced trademark lawyers available for your questions before and after filing
  • International trademark registration (US, China, UK, South East Asia, South America, India and more)

Complete the form on this page, or call us on 1300 937 574 for a no-obligation quote.

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    OpenLegal have been vital to our growth. They've provided us with the ongoing legal infrastructure necessary for a business growing at our scale.

    Nathan Besser, CEO
    Jimmy Brings

    A faster, easier approach to engaging lawyers

    OpenLegal is a commercial law firm using a streamlined, project-managed approach to move fast, providing high quality and affordable legal services.

    We provide

    • Fixed Fees
    • Free consultations
    • Specialist business & startup lawyers
    • Fast turnarounds - receive your documents within a few days


    We’re always here to chat. Free 15 Mins Consultation with our customer care team via the contact page, or phone at 1300 337 997.