
Employment Lawyer Sydney

OpenLegal makes it easy to get the legal support you need.

Ready to get started? Talk to an employment lawyer in Sydney today.

Choose OpenLegal for Your Business

Wherever you are in the employment cycle, from hiring and employment policy to dismissal and redundancy, our team of experienced employment lawyers can help you navigate employment law and ensure you’re fulfilling your legal obligations. With streamlined processes and a commitment to our clients, we’re redesigning the way we communicate with our clients. With OpenLegal, you’re at the centre of everything we do. Our team of lawyers works closely with you to ensure we understand the core of your matter and can provide you with accurate and valuable legal support. Discuss your needs with our employment lawyers in Sydney today.

What is Employment Law?

Employment law affects any business that has employees or contractors. If you employ people on a full-time, part-time, or casual basis, or contract others to work for you, employment law will be relevant to your business.

Employment law itself deals with legislation, administration, precedents and procedures of governmental agencies, as well as the legal responsibilities and rights of workers, trade unions, and employers. A specialist employment lawyer can help you understand your role and obligations when it comes to employment law.

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How Employment Lawyers Can Help

An employment lawyer should be consulted at all stages of the employment life cycle – new employees, performance issues, redundancies or termination. Get in touch with our employment lawyer Sydney to discuss how we can be of help.

We can assist you with:

Creating employment handbooks

Drafting workplace / staff policies

Resolving employment disputes




Ongoing HR consultancy services (we’re a phone call away)

Enterprise agreements

Advice on unfair dismissals and anti-discrimination cases

Contractor / labour-hire issues

General Employment Law

Additional Services

the best employment lawyer sydney

Employment Contracts

An employment contract is an essential part of hiring. It’s documentation detailing the conditions of employment and ensures the employment complies with relevant legislation, as well as the requirements of Fair Work Australia, specific awards, and relevant enterprise agreements. It’s your opportunity to both protect your business, for confidentiality and competition, and ensure your employee’s rights are protected as well.

employment lawyer sydney services

Redundancy & Termination

While terminating employment can be difficult, there will always be occasions where it’s unavoidable. Having a plan in place as well as a robust legal framework will ensure the best possible result in a manner that is legally compliant. Our lawyers can assist you in drafting paperwork and contracts that avert the risk of unfair dismissal claims.

best employment lawyer sydney services

Contractors, Interns, and other Arrangements

Contractors, freelancers, and interns can get overlooked when it comes to employment law. However, engaging them has legal implications to be aware of. Our team of employment lawyers in Sydney can work with you to establish proper legal documentation and workflows to guide you as an employer. 

employment lawyer in sydney

Employment Lawyers for Startups

Startups face a variety of employment issues that other business structures don’t. Because they’re often tightly knit and somewhat spontaneous, there can be problems as the business starts to grow, especially when it comes to the intertwining of employees and early shareholders. If you’re paying in equity or promising payment in different forms for early contractors or employees, these actions and arrangements must be well documented. This makes it far easier to keep things amicable and clear in the future.

Book a Consultation With An Employment Lawyer Sydney

We’re always looking for new ways to help businesses. Call today and discuss your needs with our team of experienced employment lawyers in Sydney. You can get in touch with our customer care team via the contact page, or phone at 1300 937 574.